That's a really big number.
Especially for me today.
Tonight, I hit over 5,000 page views on this little engine that could, and I couldn't be more thankful.
It may not seem like much to you, but this webpage is my little baby that I am so proud of, and am looking forward to its future.
If I have learned one thing over the past months of writing on here, it's to take each step for what it's worth. This past week was tough, between work, and school, and getting really really horrible hate comments on two of my posts. I contemplated just throwing in the towel and saying "fuck this, it's not worth it" and deleting this page. But then I realized, instead of saying "fuck this", I need to be saying thank you.
Because it's the people who clearly have nothing better to do with their time than to write terrible things on someones webpage, under an anonymous user name, who I will use as my motivation to be a better person.
There is no reason to bring anyone down, regardless of their weight, skin color, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic at all. None. At all. And if you truly feel like it is your job to tell someone that they're not good enough because of something that makes them different, than I suggest you seek profession help and leave the internet as quickly as possible.
Thank you to everyone who follows along, leaves encouraging and constructive comments, and makes me want to post on here as often as I possibly can. I am obsessed beyond words with studying fashion, style, trends, and cosmetics, and love to bring information I learn to you guys.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Here's to 5,000 more,I love you guys.
Until next time, xo