Hi you lovely little thing.
I may sound like a complete pyschopath for a second,
but I need to put this out there to you guys, because I think after following along,
for this long, you're inclined to know a few things about me.
I was asked what my top 7 (weird number, I know) addictions were today in
the rousing game of 21 questions you play with someone you're getting to know.
Here they are, point blank.
Let the madness begin.
1. Target.
- Target, to me, is heaven on earth.
I don't care if you're a brand whore or a coupon clipping junkie,
target has everything to satisfy my shopping cravings on a daily basis.
And if you're already wondering,
I have two target apps, as well as a maxed out credit card.
2. Ice.
- And if you're around me, you'll have to either get use to it or get out.
I chew ice.
My tiny little baby teeth can handle it, so hush about it being "bad."
I'm iron deficient and proud, said no one ever,
and instead of medicating on useless sugar pills,
I fill cups with frozen gold and chew til my little soul is happy.
3. Pinterest.
- I'm a 21 year old girl,
I think this is more of a common addiction than some of my others.
I think this is more of a common addiction than some of my others.
I hate babies, weddings, and anything that applies to either one of them,
but somehow,
I spend hours on my phone, pinning, repinning, and liking
"diaper cakes" and "druzy cut engagement rings."
4. Sex and the City reruns.
- Stop right here.
This one will never die,
and you can never make me suppress my undying desire
to become Carrie Bradshaw.
From the closets in her brownstone,
to her cigarette clouded life,
and you can never make me suppress my undying desire
to become Carrie Bradshaw.
From the closets in her brownstone,
to her cigarette clouded life,
I'm hooked.
5. Black.
- Roommates, stop laughing.
If it comes in black, I'll buy it.
Black nails, black bags, black clothing taking up 98% of my closet space,
I can't help it.
I can't help it.
Currently, every single thing I'm wearing is black,
including my freshly done nails.
Black like my soul.
Just kidding.
- I'm a Pisces, and I never realized my undying love for water
until I moved to the southwest part of North Carolina.
I can't be 100% happy unless I'm around water.
And no, I don't mean water bottles, I mean like, bodies of water.
Last year, I found my oasis in the south.
Thank you Lake Norman, for making this Long Island girl feel at home.
7. Captain Morgan.
- I'm sorry mom.
I can't help it, but I'm my father's daughter.
Dark liquor is my thing. I could drink 10 bottles of Captain Morgan a night,
and be the happiest girl in the world without switching to something else.
And I probably have.
Just kidding(?)
And I probably have.
Just kidding(?)
No, I'm not an alcoholic,
I'm a 21 year old girl in her senior year of college,
I'm a 21 year old girl in her senior year of college,
who is trying to figure out which way to go in life,
when she can't even figure out what to wear on a daily basis.
So cheers to you, you dark delicious delicacy.
You're the only man for me.
And here end's the myspace tag from 7th grade that you all posted.
You are so welcome.
And I hope you all had an incredible holiday this past week.
All of my love,