Friday, April 19, 2013

Total tea-se.

Oh hey,

Just curious, how many of you go to Starbucks on a daily basis like I used to?
Okay. My hand is raised.
How many of you spend $3-$4 on that daily basis on a venti iced black tea with sweetener?
Okay, hand is still up.
How many of you would rather keep that $3-$4 and use it towards gas?
Alright, now I'm waving it around like a 13 year old at a one direction concert.

I found something for us. Starbucks uses Tazo Tea to make their passion tea, and their black tea.

HELLO. They now SELL those teabags at the grocery store! For the same $4 you spent on one drink, you can buy a box of 6 tea bags, which makes 6 pitchers worth of tea. It's the same exact thing, no joke.
I was actually a little pissed when I first realized it.

Here's what you do.
Take a quarts worth of water, boil it. Pour it into your pitcher, and put the teabag in. Let it steep for however long you want. Tip, the longer you let it steep, the stronger the tea. Next, pour in another quart of ice cold water. Mix, and add sweetener to taste.

Dead serious, it's that easy. You just made your own iced black tea, or passion tea.
I'm not trying to "diss" Starbucks in anyway, because just like everyone else, I will roll up and get my grande double chocolate chip frapp. This is just an easy way to save money! And once again, if you're like me, you'd rather take that extra $15-$20 a week and put it in your gas tank.

Let me know if you guys try it!
Until then,

1 comment:

So, what do you think?