Sunday, July 21, 2013

Carolina on my mind

Southern State Of Mind

So as some of you may or may not know, in a very short few weeks I will be picking up and heading down to North Carolina to continue on my journey to a Bachelors degree. This has been a very very very big dream of mine, and I cannot believe that everything is finally coming together.

For those of you starting college, going away to school, touring campuses, or just going to orientation, this post is for y'all 
(see what I did there?).
Some words of wisdom from the not so wise..

Do not underestimate the power of community college.
I will be the first person to thank the lord for having the opportunity to better myself at a community college. Junior and senior year of high school, I was not the best student. I couldn't care less about going to classes, and homework? Yeah right. My GPA on a 4.0 scale was about a 2.7. I look back now and wish I could slap my 17 year old self across the face. 
The thing is, everyone here makes fun of the community colleges. "13th grade." It's not. Take it seriously and you will open so many doors for yourself. I am going to the school of my dreams in a few weeks, with a 3.8 GPA, and almost a full ride scholarship for proving myself at my community college. 
You need to take it for what it's worth. This is your life. You can do whatever you want with it, and if you decide to treat classes like a joke, then that's what you're setting yourself up for. 

Believe in yourself, even when others don't.
Believe it or not, not everyone wants to support you. Not everyone cares if you finish your homework, or get good grades. As cliche as this may sound, you need to believe in yourself. Believe that there is a bright future, believe that things will work out. As hard and as rough as the road before you may seem, there's a clear path defined for all of us. Do your best when no one is watching. 

For me, as out going as I may seem to some of my friends and family, meeting new people isn't the easiest thing for me. I'm extremely self conscious. and have mile high walls up. Something about the North Carolina air and southern drawl of everyone there helped pull them down even if only for a short time, and I found myself meeting new friends, and having the time of my life south of the mason dixon. My advice is to enjoy every second of the opportunities before you. I just went to orientation, and had the time of my life. I met amazing friends from opposite sides of the country, and continue to snapchat them daily. 

And finally, breathe.
Let everything soak in. Do not be afraid to let your guard down once in a while. You're allowed to freak out this summer. It's okay. You're only this young once, and to have a panic attack about what duvet cover you want to use is totally okay. ( Take it from me). Love the bumps in the road, because they're the moments you'll look back on and appreciate in the future.

And again, thank you all for following along with my crazy rambles.

I genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
If you'd like to see more college related posts in the future, let me know in the comments!

Talk to y'all soon. ( the city girl said y'all twice now.)

Until then, 

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