Tuesday, September 3, 2013

App Discoveries: Print Studio

I'll be the first one to say it. 
I am terrible with technology. 
Cue the eye rolls because I write a blog.
 This is simple to me.
 Because there's just typing, and posting. But any type of extra clicking really throws me off. I know, in this day in age, any 20 year old should be able to work a computer, or any new gadget. 
Not this girl.

But I'm obsessed with social media. I know, now I'm contradicting myself.
But, my all time favorite app has got to be instagram.
I'm obsessed...it's probably not healthy.

I love taking pictures, and editing them, and seeing how beautiful something can become. 
But one day I know instagram will be a thing of the past, and all those beautiful little memories will be gone with the wind. I discovered something to savor them! It's called print studio. It's an app that, for a fee, lets you print out your already edited instagram photos. You can choose either a 2x2, 4x4, or other size prints, and the amount that you want done! They print out, like you can see from my pictures about, like tiny Polaroids. 
I'm so in love. 
I feel like this is very pinteresty of me.

If you're like me, and love these little photos, you should definitely check this app out.
The ones I chose were the basic 2x2's, and I printed 48 of them for $15. 
My plan is to hang them in my dorm. 
Once I figure out how I'm going to do it, I'll post a picture.

I love it! 
Check it out. 
Again it's called Print Studio on the app store. 

Until next time!

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