Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The good in goodbye.

Time for a ramble. 
I haven't done one of these in a while with how crazy busy I've been with school, and work, and you know, just juggling in general.
And I don't know if you guys do this too, but sometimes it just feels so good to let it all out. 
A vent session if you will. So welcome.

I'm 20 years old. 
So for the past three years now, I've been out of high school. 
And just today I was looking back on old pictures, and conversations on facebook and twitter, and realizing that there are a few people I haven't spoken to in a while. Regardless of if it's on good or bad terms, they're no longer there. And I think it took me those three years to realize that those people who are no longer there, are gone for a reason. 
In life, we constantly look for people to surround ourselves, whether it be for humor, conversation, love, or simply companionship, we like having someone there. 

We all need someone. 
Someone to love, and to laugh and talk with until 4am about nothing. But people change. And like I said, some of them leave for a reason. I've said it before, and until recently, I never thought I'd be this type of girl to "fight like hell" to hang on to some of those people.

But some of those people don't care.
 Don't care about the nights that you spent discussing the stars and the future and everything between. 
And here's the kicker. 
As strong as you've fought, and as tough as you may think you are, it hurts when they leave. 
It hurts to see people that you never ever thought would leave, actually leave. 

Moving on isn't easy. 
It's just not. There's no proper coping mechanism or tutorial I can preach to make it easier. But here's what I'm doing to keep calm and carry on. I'm looking back, even if just for those few minutes browsing through a newsfeed. Remember how much fun it was. Remember the butterflies, and the laughing, and the love. And then turn the page. 

Think of it almost as a toast. 
" Cheers to us, and the past, and the reason they call it the past. It's over for a reason. Here's to moving on. And here's to happiness, and new friends, and new laughter. And new love."

Sometimes the ones who were there for years slowly drift away. 
And even though it's hard, it's okay.

End rant.

Cheers to us, and cheers to a beautiful December. 
I hope everyone is hanging tight through finals.
Until then.
Love always, 

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