Monday, March 30, 2015

Sorry, I'm not sorry.

I can't believe I'm actually posting this. 
If you've read previous posts of mine, you'll know I'm an advocate for body positivity, and feeling confident and comfortable in your skin regardless of pointless numbers or undefined "perfection" standards that one may or may not have met.

I post this because I'm choosing to say a big fuck you to anyone who insults, disregards, or discourages girls like me who love, or who are trying to love themselves. 

I read on an instagram of a plus sized model 
a comment that said...
"kill yourself, you worthless fat slob."
 How could anyone, ever, in their lives,
 be able to sleep at night after not only telling someone to take their own life,
 but worthless?
 Because someone is choosing to be happy?
 And love their skin? 
That makes them worthless?

I have hated my body for many many years,
 and I'm finally realizing at 22 years old.
 that people who base opinions of ones character off of the
 number that appears on a scale, or the size of your jeans, 
will never, ever amount to anything other than an
 insensitive, disgusting excuse for a human being. 

We should be promoting each other to do better, 
pushing others to work harder, and smile more. 
Yet, there are people who sit behind their screen and 
execute comments that would make the devil himself shake his head. 

I post this because I finally am 
beginning to love my curves.
I am beginning to feel beautiful.
Everyone deserves to feel free 
from the chains of self conscious thoughts.

I would normally use this sentence to apologize for cussing,
 or for ranting.
But not tonight.
I'm not sorry. 
And fuck you if you don't like thick thighs or big hips.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 
Let yourself behold the image you deserve to see when you look at your reflection.

All of my love.

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