Thursday, August 18, 2016

The girl in the butterfly bikini.

Hello my lovelies, 

I can't believe it is already the end of August. 
It seems like just yesterday we were scrambling to prepare for Spring break,
 and now summer is starting to slip away. 
It is truly incredible how quickly time flies. 

Summer may be ending for you, but here in the South, 
it's still hotter than hell, and not seeming to ease up any. 
This gives all of us a bit more time to go to the beach, lake, or pool. 

This still gives you a chance to do it. I'm talking to you. 
Pull the tags off, and put it on. If I did it, you can too. 

Three weeks ago, I wore my absolute favorite two piece bathing suit to my pool. 
I have two of them, one is a bit more covering, 
has a fringe-like top that covers my stomach, 
and the bottom is super high waisted. 

The other, the butterfly bikini, is tighter, and covers much less.

This was my destination piece.
If you would have asked me two years ago to even consider trying this on,
 I would have laughed at you. 

But I bought it. And after four months of owning it, and staring at it,
I finally told myself that I could do it. And I did.

And you know what happened?
I was really fucking scared at first. 
I was so convinced even 
walking out of my apartment that I would be mocked.
I was so anxious, I almost felt sick. 

But then, I jumped in.
I swam. I laughed, and I never felt better about my body.

There are walls and barriers that we build in order to protect ourselves.
Normally, these walls are from others, but sometimes, 
the walls harbor you from yourself.

I hope you jump in.
I hope you splash, and laugh, and dive into the water, 
and come up free of worry.
Leave your self conscious thoughts and fears at the bottom of the ocean, 
never to be heard from again.

Listen to me, please.
If you feel like you can't wear it, you can.
You absolutely fucking can, and you will look like a goddess.

Displaying image1.PNGDo not waste your summer in a sweater
because you're afraid of the opinions of others.
It's too damn hot. 
And so are you.

All of my love, 
Aka ( the girl in the butterfly bikini.)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Blessings in a storm.

One minute, you can have everything all planned out....

Your future, your relationships, your job, your outfit, anything and everything has somewhat of a plan behind it typically. Well, for me it always did. 

This summer has been a complete learning experience for me, a test if you will.
A test I refuse to fail..

I know some of you will not agree with my view points, because I'm about to get a bit deep, but here it goes.

I believe that God puts you in a storm to show you just how to embrace the rain. Two months ago I was completely different. Two days ago I was completely different. Last week, I watched as my entire world fell around me, and there was nothing I could do anymore to stop it. If you know me, you'd know how much of a control freak I am, therefore not having the ability to change things caused my whole heart to basically stop. 

When something happens that you cannot control, breathe. Remember to keep breathing. Remember that you're allowed to panic. Do not ever let anyone else control your emotions. If you feel like you need to run, run. If you feel like you need a drink, take a damn drink. Sometimes change fucking sucks, and it's hard, and unexpected, but at the end of the day, everything changes. 

I'm slowly learning to dance in this hurricane. 

I know this post is a bit all over the place, but it's my way of composing the thousands of random things swirling around in my soul.

Just as the sun does everyday, I will rise. 

All of my love, 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

5 Things to do Instead of Caring about the T-swift/Kardashian West Drama.

This past week in reality/pop star news has been full of drama between Kanye and Kim Kardashian West, and my former country pop idol, Taylor Swift.

I know it is a riveting subject to focus all of your attention on, but if you need help getting your mind out of the reality show gutter, here are a few suggestions as to what you can be spending your time doing instead...

1. Realizing the two people who are nominated for our highest government position, and one will be running our nation, are also constantly in a twitter battle.

2.Complaining about instagram's new "snap chat-like feature", by using the feature to complain. We make a lot of sense people. Complaining via the platform you're complaining about doesn't really work. ( Also, while you're doing this, you can browse over Kylie's snapchat, or DJ Khaled's, my two other perfect time consumers.)

3. Blending into the crowd of people with their head down, by joining the new Pokemon GO craze, which is already leading to groundbreaking discoveries of new land, and car accidents. This craze, is probably just a phase, so if you chose to do this I suggest jumping on the bandwagon now. Gotta catch-em all, right?

4. Enjoy the summer, maybe?
Put down your phone, turn off your wifi, and if you're not too attached, relax for a minute or two. Take a break from facebook and twitter and just chill. This could be hard though, because if you don't post two status's and a snap to your story that you're relaxing, are you even relaxed?

5. Pay attention to real news, like, you know, things that are actually happening in the world. You know, like the fact that North Korea is saying that the US has declared WAR? I mean, these things are important, but falsified drama between celebrities is way more important.
Just a few suggestions from me, to you.
Happy living.
You're welcome.
Love always,

Images obtained using google images.