Friday, August 12, 2016

Blessings in a storm.

One minute, you can have everything all planned out....

Your future, your relationships, your job, your outfit, anything and everything has somewhat of a plan behind it typically. Well, for me it always did. 

This summer has been a complete learning experience for me, a test if you will.
A test I refuse to fail..

I know some of you will not agree with my view points, because I'm about to get a bit deep, but here it goes.

I believe that God puts you in a storm to show you just how to embrace the rain. Two months ago I was completely different. Two days ago I was completely different. Last week, I watched as my entire world fell around me, and there was nothing I could do anymore to stop it. If you know me, you'd know how much of a control freak I am, therefore not having the ability to change things caused my whole heart to basically stop. 

When something happens that you cannot control, breathe. Remember to keep breathing. Remember that you're allowed to panic. Do not ever let anyone else control your emotions. If you feel like you need to run, run. If you feel like you need a drink, take a damn drink. Sometimes change fucking sucks, and it's hard, and unexpected, but at the end of the day, everything changes. 

I'm slowly learning to dance in this hurricane. 

I know this post is a bit all over the place, but it's my way of composing the thousands of random things swirling around in my soul.

Just as the sun does everyday, I will rise. 

All of my love, 

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