Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pamper night.

The perfect pamper night:

Start by pulling your hair back; and cleansing your skin with warm water. This will help to open your pores and wash away the day a bit.  After this, with a cotton pad, I use an intense cleanser to get around my most oil prone spots. It feels amazing, and keeps away any little break outs that may decide to show up randomly when I definitely don't need them.

Next, what I like to do is apply both hyaluronic acid, and coconut water to help bring back some moisture to my face. I feel as though even though my skin is combo/oily, this truly makes my skin look firmer and feel better.

After the serum and mist, apply a face mask of your choice. Now I know that sheet masks are all the rage, but I'm definitely more of a thick mask kind of girl. Whether it be the first aid beauty one as shown above, or a clay mask, I love having one in my pamper routine at least twice a week. If for nothing else, it's a little treat, and makes me feel like I have my shit together for a sec. 

Next, a really long hot shower. Scrub off all the shit that makes ya feel nasty, and enjoy your time away from the world. Use a hair mask if you have one, or just let your conditioner sit in for a bit longer. It works miracles, I promise. 

When getting out, the first thing I like to do after drying off and moisturizing is putting on deoderant. You don't wanna stink right after you worked hard to get clean. I focus on my hair for a bit before putting it up into a towel. My hair is extremely long, so I like to comb it out, and apply the Living Proof split end mender to the bottom half of my hair. It smells amazing, and does show pretty good results. I also add a little bit of the Toni and Guy volume whip to my roots, just to add to it if I decide to blow dry. 

Lastly, a bit of moisturizer and a spritz of rose water spray, and some cozy time in bed. 

I find that having a night like this a few times a week really helps my anxiety, and calms me down greatly. 

What are your favorite pamper time
 beauty or bath products?
Let me know!

Until then,

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Worth a thousand words.

Hello lovelies,

Last weekend, my boyfriend and I went to a cider brewery (don't know if that's the right term exactly)
 for a little impromptu day drinking date. 
It was nice out, 
and we decided to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
 He, partially-candidly took this picture of me, 
and shared it on his instagram.

At first, of course, 
I thought it was adorable that he instagrammed me, 
as any social media loving girl would. 
Then, almost like clockwork, in my mind,
 I started ripping myself apart. 

My eyes went directly to my chins, 
my arm fat, the mark in my shirt, 
how my boobs looked, that my hair was frizzy, etc. 
I literally had to stop myself.

 This girl in the photo was having an amazing, beautiful day with her best friend in the world, smiling and posing for a photo, and yet I, was sitting here now staring at her, picking at her every "flaw." 

    He decided to post this. 
And then, so did I. The only person in the world who can tear me down so badly, is myself. This picture captured a genuine moment of calmness, and happiness in my life, and I considered deleting it because of my issues with my own self image. 

Why do we erase precious moments,
 when we should be cherishing them? 

I am extremely lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life who shows me off. It is something I've never had before, and it is such a new thing to me. 

Have you done this before?
Before you erase something, 
think about what you were doing at that very moment.
 Did it capture something you can't relive? 
Then keep it.
You don't have to post it,
But you also don't have to use it as target practice either.

Sending all of my love your way.

Until then,

Monday, August 21, 2017

Let's talk about it.

Hello lovelies.

     Welcome back to the world of rants by Kristen. I started this little blog as a way to try to delve into the beauty and fashion world all from my desk, in my suburban home on Long Island, as a junior in high school. Many years later, with four years of college under my belt, I'm finally at a point where I'm ready for my little journal to be more than what it is. 
   With 20,000+ page views, and a passion for spreading body positivity, love, and my views self expression through style, I find myself constantly wishing for more. I am incredibly thankful for every single person who reaches out and talks to me about my page. I used to find it semi embarrassing, as this was simply a place that I thought of as mine. But here's the thing, it isn't. It is just as much yours, as it is mine. I'm currently sitting on my balcony, at 2:00am, as you do of course, and really trying to think about where I should be. Who am I? How can I do the things I want to do? How can I turn myself into the person I truly am on the inside? And, where do I find these answers? 
    To my readers, and anyone with advice, I ask you, how do you transform a platform such as mine into something more than this? As happy as I am with the successes my page has had, I feel as though I can speak to so many people in my position, and help to influence their lives positively regarding body image. If you have any advice, please reach out to me on any media and help a girl out. I am ready to show my full potential. 

Again, with all of my heart, thank you guys for sticking with me through the good and the bad. I truly appreciate the support.

All of my love, always,

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Plus size girl in a skinny world?

Hello lovelies,

I've wanted to write this for a little while, but was unsure of how to word it without being insulting, or saying something I didn't actually mean. For the past few months I have worked for a company that sells beautiful clothing. I merchandise, style, and help clients, which is something I truly love doing.

The only part that has taken a while for me to understand, or to even try to grasp, is how the clothing actually fits. I, as anyone who knows me would know, am a plus sized girl. The brand I am representing sells clothing up to a size, about 14(and that's kind of pushing it if I'm being honest) cannot remember the last time I was a size 14. It takes a toll on my confidence every day that I sell these garments and have no idea of how they fit or what they look like on. It's just tough, and quite honestly, it bugs the fuck out of me.

And the thing is, it really hadn't bothered me until last week. Until a new associate in the store I work at, asked me if I needed help finding the "women's " section. Now, I know she wasn't trying to be rude, and I quickly told her I worked for the brand in the zone I was in, but it truly caught me off guard. The "womens" section, and the section I were working in, are literally across the store from each other. The plus sized clothing is literally shoved into the back corner of the second floor, where you wouldn't find it if you just walked through.

The average American woman is not a size 2. She's in the double digits. So why on earth are those pieces of clothing hidden? I take pride in being very good with sales, and being able to sell just about anything I put my mind to, but this has made me really start to try to figure things out. 

How do you sell something that you can't stand behind, or stand in, without being questioned?

Just needed to rant a bit tonight. 

Let me know what you think. ❤️

Until then,