Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Worth a thousand words.

Hello lovelies,

Last weekend, my boyfriend and I went to a cider brewery (don't know if that's the right term exactly)
 for a little impromptu day drinking date. 
It was nice out, 
and we decided to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
 He, partially-candidly took this picture of me, 
and shared it on his instagram.

At first, of course, 
I thought it was adorable that he instagrammed me, 
as any social media loving girl would. 
Then, almost like clockwork, in my mind,
 I started ripping myself apart. 

My eyes went directly to my chins, 
my arm fat, the mark in my shirt, 
how my boobs looked, that my hair was frizzy, etc. 
I literally had to stop myself.

 This girl in the photo was having an amazing, beautiful day with her best friend in the world, smiling and posing for a photo, and yet I, was sitting here now staring at her, picking at her every "flaw." 

    He decided to post this. 
And then, so did I. The only person in the world who can tear me down so badly, is myself. This picture captured a genuine moment of calmness, and happiness in my life, and I considered deleting it because of my issues with my own self image. 

Why do we erase precious moments,
 when we should be cherishing them? 

I am extremely lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life who shows me off. It is something I've never had before, and it is such a new thing to me. 

Have you done this before?
Before you erase something, 
think about what you were doing at that very moment.
 Did it capture something you can't relive? 
Then keep it.
You don't have to post it,
But you also don't have to use it as target practice either.

Sending all of my love your way.

Until then,

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