Monday, August 21, 2017

Let's talk about it.

Hello lovelies.

     Welcome back to the world of rants by Kristen. I started this little blog as a way to try to delve into the beauty and fashion world all from my desk, in my suburban home on Long Island, as a junior in high school. Many years later, with four years of college under my belt, I'm finally at a point where I'm ready for my little journal to be more than what it is. 
   With 20,000+ page views, and a passion for spreading body positivity, love, and my views self expression through style, I find myself constantly wishing for more. I am incredibly thankful for every single person who reaches out and talks to me about my page. I used to find it semi embarrassing, as this was simply a place that I thought of as mine. But here's the thing, it isn't. It is just as much yours, as it is mine. I'm currently sitting on my balcony, at 2:00am, as you do of course, and really trying to think about where I should be. Who am I? How can I do the things I want to do? How can I turn myself into the person I truly am on the inside? And, where do I find these answers? 
    To my readers, and anyone with advice, I ask you, how do you transform a platform such as mine into something more than this? As happy as I am with the successes my page has had, I feel as though I can speak to so many people in my position, and help to influence their lives positively regarding body image. If you have any advice, please reach out to me on any media and help a girl out. I am ready to show my full potential. 

Again, with all of my heart, thank you guys for sticking with me through the good and the bad. I truly appreciate the support.

All of my love, always,

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