Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So this past week, my blog hit 4,000 hits. 
I know it's not a crazy high number, like 5 million, but to me, it might as well be.
I can't believe how much has changed since I started this little engine that could. 
And I am incredibly thankful for the support I've received about it.

Like I said, a lot has changed since I started blogging, and honestly I've learned a lot about myself these past few months.

For instance, there is a huge difference between Long Island, and the rest of the world.
There's so much out there that I wouldn't have had the chance to see if I would have been the stubborn ass I was two years ago and stayed home. I wouldn't have met the people, seen the places, or learned the things I'm learning now if I didn't take the leap and actually come here.

Also, I learned you cannot rely on others for your own happiness.
I am always the first one to try to make those around me laugh.
And that's not a bad thing, that's not what I'm trying to say.
But once in a while, you need to put yourself first.
Because people, even the ones you'd least expect, will take advantage of you.
Do not expect others to do the same for you, as you would do for them.

And, it's okay to freak out. Let it out. Scream at the top of your lungs. It's okay.
Throughout highschool and community college, I had a fear of showing how truly stressed out I'd get.
Finals, working full time, balancing life and all the random bullshit that goes on gets hectic.

No matter how young you are, you have the right to absolutely panic. 
It's okay. 
It happens. 
But it gets better. 
So much better.
Especially this past week, I needed to just scream. 
Finals week, and trying to deal with a job that I'm not fond of, can make a girl go crazy.
Here's a tip. If you're in finals mode and need to study, but are too stressed to even look at your books, drive somewhere. 
Blast your music, windows down, to somewhere beautiful. 
Take a few deep breaths, and take in fresh air.
I promise it works.

Lastly, things are bound to change in time. It's the only thing that's inevitable in this life, that things will change. People change. Don't expect someone to be the same for years at a time. Feelings change. And when they do, you need to take it for what it's worth. You can fight hard as hell for forever, but if someone doesn't feel the same about you, you can't change that. It's terrifying. Absolutely horrifying to watch someone walk out of your life. But if they're leaving, there's a reason for it. Fight like hell. If they're meant to be there, they'll realize it in time. But don't put your life on hold for something that may never happen.

       Be grateful for the little lessons that may seem like nothing at the moment.
Be happy.
Be loved.
And thank you again, for four thousand clicks. 
I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine.
Here's to 4,000 more.
Until then,
love y'all

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