Hi lovelies,
I'm currently somewhere inbetween Long Island, and Baltimore, about 30,000ft above land. I've been on a plane many times, but each time seems different. I don't know how people could not stare out the window the entire time, as I do. I understand fears and anxieties about flying, and trust me, ya girl always feels them as I'm about to take off or land, but the thing is, flying above the clouds is something beyond what my mind can process.
For 20 years my feet had never left the northeast. Now I'm casually traveling 800 miles back to Charlotte. It's just a bizarre thing that comes with growing up. But these clouds y'all, I could cry. It's the most incredible thing, every single time. It just gives me hope. I'm clinging to my dreams right now with every fiber of my being, so any little bits of strength that I can receive from the sky are appreciated greatly. There's something that gives me a push up here. I'm ready to go back to my southern comfort zone and get my life back.
I just figured I'd do a little post, and maybe give y'all some Saturday motivation. It's time to put my phone down now and enjoy this view.
Thank you everyone again for flying along with me through my journey. Your support means the world to me.
Love always,